Lower suction dentures are a revolutionary new technique, wherein we install dentures without the need for adhesives or implants. The upside of this technology is the ease and comfort provided to you as well as the stability, form and strength provided to your teeth due to the firm grasp of the dentures. At Burke Mountain Denture Clinic Inc, our team of dentists is at your service to assess your oral condition and to see if it is suitable for lower suction dentures. We meet the high standards of our clients and provide them with the best science and technology available. Contact our dental office in Port Coquitlam if you’re looking for a positive and pain-free dental experience.

Step into the comfort and benefits of lower suction dentures with Burke Mountain Denture’s revolutionary process. From enhanced ability to chew, talk and laugh to total comfort and natural feeling dentures that can be customized to your oral cavity, there are abundant benefits available for you.
We invite the Port Coquitlam community to this new technique of suction dentures. We assess whether you can be a candidate by reviewing your dental history and suggesting the likely course of action. Our team will gauge the shape of your lower tooth line to ensure that your new suction dentures fit snuggly and increase the stability of your mouth while eating, talking, or even smiling. If you have recently had your teeth removed, you may wish to contact us to get total freedom from conventional and messy dentures by applying for hassle-free lower suction dentures.