Proper denture care is important to maintain a bright and straight smile for years to come. Sometimes, unavoidable denture problems may occur, requiring denture repair in Port Coquitlam. Burke Mountain Denture Clinic offers denture repairs at our denture clinic and can even come to you if you have an immediate emergency. Our denturist is able to fix cracked bases, chipped false teeth and any other dental problems. We can also reline your dentures if they don’t seem to fit properly anymore. We can replace damaged or broken denture teeth with new ones. Our experienced denturists strive to limit the discomfort you feel when your dentures break. Contact our dental clinic when you need denture repair in Port Coquitlam and the surrounding areas.

You can experience various problems with your dentures due to excessive wear and tear. Care and maintenance of your dentures entail:
- Updating your medical/dental history
- Tissue and bone assessment
- Counselling you concerning any procedures (present and future)
- Reviewing oral hygiene care
- Examination of your oral cavity, head, and neck region
- Denture stability, structural integrity of your dentre and bite
- Cleaning and polishing your dentures at your request
Oral hygiene is essential to dental and physical health. After every meal, you should remove your dentures and clean them thoroughly. Special denture brushes are available in many drug stores. You can use your regular toothpaste for your remaining teeth and a denture paste for your dentures. Warm water should be used for brushing and soaking.
You will be advised about whether you should wear your denture(s) at night. When not in your mouth, they should be placed in a container/denture cup filled with water or some denture cleanser. Rinse them well under cold running water before inserting them in your mouth. Regular use of a commercial soak helps fight denture plaque and will keep your denture clean and stain-free. Last but not least, regular annual check-ups are crucial to be sure all is well with your dental health.